European Testing Conference 2018 takes place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on February 19-20th 2018. Check also our web pages.
European Testing Conference does its content creation a bit differently. While other conferences call for proposals, we call for collaboration. We want to meet the people delivering the talk, have a conversation on what the talk is about. After all, the talk isn't the writing, but it's what you say on stage.
We seek a balance of testing and quality topics as testers and developers know it, with a practical emphasis.
Call for collaboration - what is it?
When you submit for European Testing Conference, it is just an opening connection for us to have an online face-to-face discussion with you. For the 2018 edition, the organizers pair more heavily than before, meaning you get to have a friendly chat with two of us.
We know we have limited space, and a vision of how we would most likely want to fill that space. We learn as we work with people, and our vision adapts. We seek the best content for our participants. But not only that.
When we collaborate, we might learn ways for us to help you forward with other conferences you might not have known of. We might give you hints on how to improve your submission. And at minimum, we get a chance of forming a connection between you and us, and we appreciate your time.
Have you submitted already? Let us get to know you. Deadline is August 20th.