Monday, September 16, 2019

Announcing Keynotes for 2020 edition

European Testing Conference 2020 proudly presents our four keynotes:

Ulrika Malmgren (Sweden) is an international speaker, and a tester turned developer. With significant portion of her 15 year career in testing positions, she is no stranger to exploratory testing and team work, and uses that platform to build software in the .Net world. Her talks are insightful and challenging, and we welcome her perspectives as a foundation for a conference bridging testing as testers as developers know it.

Patricia Aas (Norway) is a programmer experiences in C++ as well as many other languages. Some of the specialties we know her for are building secure applications and not shying away from discussions around diversity. As our perspective in building this conference is that testing is about breaking illusions, Patricia shines on looking at phenomena around us critically and summarizing it into brilliant talks.

Mirjam Bauerlein (Germany) is known for her work with making conferences less intimidating through creating Conference Buddy. As someone joining software after a career outside software industry, she is a test-driven development practitioner from the start. As programmer, she comes from the JavaScript side of things, and for us in many ways represent the wonderful new generation of programmers who have always tested and cared for testing.

Maaike Brinkhof (the Netherlands) is an established testing expert and an international conference speaker. We know her best for her work with exploratory testing and biases, and her attention to detail on how teams collaborate and work together to test systems. While she works in team under the title "tester", you may notice that the things she contributes and shares on stretch the limits of tester role in  positive way.

You may notice we put special care in selecting a set of all European keynotes for the 2020 edition. Our keynote selection matches the vision we have on where testing is going: having a strong, local presence and breaking the role walls if they still exist. We all work together, and have versatile views into what the future and practice of testing could be.

Welcome to European Testing Conference 2020 in Amsterdam, February 6-7th. Super Early Bird Tickets are available until end of September, when the full program is announced. People buying their tickets by Sept 20th will be asked to participate in voting for talks to select into the conference from the results of Call for Collaboration that finished Sept 15th.

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