We have so many amazing people to introduce to you for European Testing Conference 2016 that it is making it hard for us to decide the order in which to share our excitement. So we're picking a second track speaker: Julian Harty.
If you don't know who Julian Harty is, do a google search. You will find he is a very popular keynoter on major testing conferences, and a master of all things mobile. If there's anything around mobile testing (or development for that matter), Julian is one of the go-to-people. His materials online are one of the go-to-sources.
In addition to being absolutely brilliant in the stuff he shares in his talks, he is also - quoting a friend of mine - "one of the nicest people you can run into in the testing circles". We gave him 30 minute track slot, not a keynote. But we also give him - and all of you - the whole conference for conferring, and in particular open space to create sessions on anything we missed on the scheduled program. Julian is one of the people who will have more stuff to share than we can fit into the two days, and willingness to share it and learn more with everyone of you.
Julian's scheduled session is titled The Symbiosis of Mobile Analytics and Testing. Knowing what this stuff is about, I would say that while mobile focused with mobile insights, there's a lot in this for anyone who has not yet had the fortune of moving over to experience mobile.
There's still a few more weeks to get your ticket and join us. Don't miss out!