Tuesday, January 19, 2016

One future of testing and testers from a context of Jesse Alford

There were rumors before, but at Agile 2015 in Washington DC, Elisabeth Hendrickson added a bit to spark my curiosity. Elisabeth is a manager at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, with a few hundred engineers but only two exploratory testers.

In the field of testing, the discussion of tester role, its modern transformations and the future of anyone who identifies themselves as testers is unavoidable. While with European Testing Conference we want to believe that the world of software needs all of our contributions, looking into options and possibilities of personal growth is always encouraged.

With the conference in Feb 11-12th in the lovely city of Bucharest, we're very pleased to offer you a chance of looking into one particularly enchanting context of testing through the eyes of Jesse Alford. Jesse delivers a talk on Everybody Tests: Balanced Teams, Extreme Programming and Exploration. Jesse is one of the two explorers Pivotal Cloud Foundry has.

Jesse Alford travels from San Fransisco, USA to share his lessons, and his presence in Europe might be a rare treat or an opening of opportunities to connect. I’ve been most puzzled with the company that has 200 developers but only 2 testers - or explorers as they call them. How does it really work? What is an explorer, and how would you expect a person recruited to that role to be? When everyone tests, what is left for these rare specialists? What does Jesse mean when he writes that he helps people by learning things?

In addition to delivering his talk, Jesse (just like all our speakers) will be around enabling us to dig deeper into interesting subjects. Will you be there to share with us?

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